Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Buns in Bunny's oven

Well, it is official. Bunny is pregnant. The ultrasound this morning showed five puppies and there's generally more than one can detect on an ultrasound. We start the switch to puppy food today. She is ravenously hungry right now and has been for the last three days. Even though she just passed her third birthday, she still seems so puppy like to me. The next five weeks will seem like an eternity in some ways, in other ways, it'll be here before we know it.


  1. Pappa Hawkeye congratulates Bunny on her upcoming litter. He's 'way proud.'

  2. Congratulations!
    The next few weeks are going to fly by.

  3. Congratulations! Wonder what the cats are going to make of all those puppies!

  4. Ah, the cats. Pepe and Christopher will probably hide or steer as clear as possible from them. Tucker, on the other hand, will likely sit next to the whelping box and start sending them messages as soon as they are born. Messages like "cats rule, dogs drool", "I am the boss", "you are here to serve me and me alone", etc.

  5. Bunny and June- Congratulations! I am so happy for you. This will be my home page for the next few months. I can't wait to hear how things are progressing.

  6. Uncle Shiner and Great Auntie Mo send their happy congratulations to Bunny and pups! We are all SO excited!

  7. Okay, Clueless, give me a hint. Who are you? :) I am clueless about Clueless! :)

  8. Bunny is really enjoying her extra rations and her 1/2 can of food twice a day. I swear she is lording it over Pepe cat that she is getting canned and he is not. Pepe is quite jealous indeed.
    Bunny has been sticking closer to me this last week or two. Don't quite know what to make of this behavior unless she just senses a kindred spirit or something. Or maybe because I'm doting on her so much more.

  9. Hi June- Sorry about the "Clueless", but I was clueless. I haven't used blogs before, but this one is worth following. I was trying to post a blog and set up an account, and somehow I missed that there was a spot to put my "name", so it assigned me "Clueless". Anyway, that has been changed and you will now know me as "JPPO- J, Potential Puppy Owner". Kathy will be able to tell you more about me. I'm sure she can figure out which potential puppy owner I am. I am so enjoying this that I started my own blog from my perspective at Can't wait to hear more!

  10. Bunny is feeling great. She has been sad that she couldn't play "retrieve mania" much at all this week because by the time Bob and I got home from work, it was storming. Oh well, this weekend should offer plenty of opportunities for her favorite game. I cautioned Bob not to let her keep going until she was ready to drop in this heat & humidity. She has her little pool to cool off in. Got to keep those little buns cool too.

  11. All is well in puppy land. Bunny loves to have me scratch the puppies.

  12. Bunny and the buns say hi to everyone!

  13. Bunny is beginning to fill out. I can't decide if it's growing puppies or the increased food or both! Her mammary glands are certainly fuller. When I tell her to "let me pet the puppies", she'll turn sideways to me so I can scratch her tummy. It's comical.

  14. Hello everyone! Bunny is doing great. She spent a lot of time shagging tennis balls last night after it cooled off a bit, enjoying herself fully. The extra bulk she's carrying hasn't slowed her down a bit. I guess because she was lean to start with, she is showing earlier than some. Her appetite is great and she is eating 2/3 puppy food and 1/3 adult food. I plan to have her on 100% puppy food starting Sunday. JPPO, I just checked out your blog and you are a good writer! I enjoyed your story about waiting for Rivet.

  15. Well, I don't know what happened to yesterday morning's post or this morning's. Bunny has had a good day today, retrieving tennis balls as long as Bob would throw them. She takes breaks when she runs out of steam or gets hot so I don't worry about her too much. When she comes back inside, she flakes out in the basement floor and soaks up the cool.
    I am so excited about these puppies and can hardly wait the next four weeks. I know I am not the only one.

  16. Yesterday, I picked up the whelping box from Kathy and Donald and brought it home. I let Bunny outside with me while we were unloading the parts and you'd have thought we had a treasure of food or something in the truck! Bunny was standing up on her hind legs trying the sniff the bed of the truck and then when we brought the pieces out, she thoroughly nose vacuumed each piece. It was very funny. I don't know if she remembered it somehow or it was just the smells of familiar faces that she was intrigued by but she thoroughly enjoyed checking it out.

  17. I installed the whelping box in it's appointed place last night, thoroughly supervised by Bunny. She seems to feel like I did it properly. I plan to feed her in it now.
    Her hair on her belly is definitely getting quite thin. Now when I look at her from certain angles while she is standing or walking, her nipples are quite visible and her skin color really stands out. She is not as graceful as she was pre-pregnancy either. She is overrunning her tennis balls or missing her catches about 50% of the time; she is also slowing herself down. She won't ask to have the ball thrown as much and she ends her play sessions sooner just to go lay down in the shade somewhere. She is also asking to go back in the house while Bob is still outside puttering or working; before her pregnancy, she did not want to leave his side for any reason.
    She is at day 38 now. The excitement and anticipation is building.

  18. June- Thanks for all the updates. I love reading about how Bunny is changing. Any idea why the hair on her belly would get "thin"? It sounds like she is doing a great job taking care of her babies already - resting when she needs to and not overdoing it. Enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy!

  19. This is your due month! Congratulations. Hope you enjoy the last few days of pregnancy.

  20. I have posted several updates that don't seem to want to be on the screen for some reason. And I thought I had mastered this blogging thing.
    Bunny had a rough night last night; she was hot and restless half the night. Guess that's to be expected. She probably feels like a nine month's pregnant woman feels in her last month!

  21. Bunny will go in for x-rays on Wednesday. We hope to be able to get a tentative head count then so keep your fingers crossed. I am hoping, since she is smallish, that she'll have small babies to start with; after they're born, then they can grow like weeds. I have the whelping kit all ready I think and have made all the preparations Kathy and the book she loaned me said to make. It's the end stretch now.

  22. This is from Bob, not June. As the only intact male around here I really don't mind all that is going on. It makes me feel very good to see June all excited about this. I am not sure Bunny has figured out what has happened to her but I know she will do fine. June and I are very honored about the interest in our Bunny and her offspring!


  23. Good morning. Day 51. Bunny is getting increasingly uncomfortable as she continues to get bigger and bigger. She has definitely slowed herself down. We are going to take an x-ray today instead of tomorrow because of the schedule at the animal hospital so tonight, be watching for a posting that gives the long awaited head count estimate. Be forewarned though, it is only an estimate, though more accurate than an ultra sound.

  24. Well, we went in for x-rays this morning. It was a bit disappointing in that the puppies aren't sufficiently calcified yet to get a good idea of how many there might be. For the uninformed, that means their bones are still a bit porous and don't show up well on an x-ray. We could definitely see there were puppies in there, just not how many. So, we'll just have to be surprised when they arrive. The good news is that the fact that they're not completely calcified yet gives us a clearer picture of their due date; it's looking more like they'll arrive the weekend of the 18th-19th, give or take a few days. Poor Bunny. She was so uncomfortable on the ride in and back and she's got another 10-12 days or so to go! Her weight is up to 74.5 pounds now; she was 55 on June 10. Her weight has started to drop into her belly area more and less over her back.

  25. Pappa Hawkeye asked me to replinish his doggy 'cigar' box. He is way proud to have pups on the way again -- his youngest ones turn 1 year on July 30th -- and his oldest ones turn 7 years on August 10th. Hawkeye really lets the other stud dogs, St John and Martin, know that HE is the expecting pappa now! We celebrate birthdays with special 'meatloaf' and new pups on the ground with home-made 'rolled/cigar peanut-butter cookies' all around, compliments of the sire. Of course, the proud pappa gets extra. Love the blog. .... By our old-fashioned calculation method of weight gained = 2 lbs for each pup that means 10 puppies ????????? OMG, let's hope for a more civilied 8 or so. Hawkeye, Marti and Andy
