Saturday, August 29, 2009

Today has been full of firsts for the buns! They had their very first car ride, their first meeting of other dogs (an uncle and a great aunt) and their first swim. Their uncle and great aunt have an in ground pool and they invited us all for a swim. One by one, the buns got their first swimming lesson and every single one of them took to it like a pro. Several of them kept wanting back in again but we made sure there was no more in the water at a time than the six humans could safely monitor those in the water and those on the edge. They ate their lunch after their swim and then proceeded to crash. Since we could see a storm heading out way, we loaded up and headed for home instead of letting them have a second go after they napped. The ride home was as quiet as the ride there was noisy; every last puppy crashed into a sound sleep. They jogged from the car to the back door once we got home and then crashed again and are still asleep two hours later. I imagine they're going to wake up ravenous. I don't know who had more fun, the buns or their attendants. Bunny had a glorious time herself fetching a bumper out of the water over and over and over. I swear I could hear her saying, "oh, adult company again, yay!"

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