Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 59. Bunny had a good night's sleep last night, apparently, as I did too. I woke up abruptly at 3:00 this morning realizing I could not hear her breathing and I was sure she had gone downstairs. I was mentally searching for my shoes and socks as I laid there straining to hear her before I got up and went to her upstairs bed. But, no, there she was sleeping peacefully, until I wakened her that is. Oh well. We both went back to sleep all right.
Bunny has no appetite. Monday and yesterday she was quite reluctant to eat but finally did; this morning, she turned down her breakfast and her good girl cookie when she came in from her morning constitutional. I'm not to concerned about it because I read that this is normal for some dogs.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had a great nights sleep (basically). Can't wait for the labor description and puppy count!
