Monday, September 21, 2009

There's not much to chat about this morning other than the fact that the radio went off entirely too early. Surely it's not much past 3:00 in the morning!
The buns are fine. Duncan is adamant that he is not ready to be weaned yet but the girls are pretty much over that. Could it be a guy thing?
Sits are coming along nicely though it'll definitely be easier once there's just Duncan to work with. I am still trying to give equal time to all the pups that are here but that shorts the one that will be my dog. I can't believe he is nine weeks old and not really very far on house training yet. Bunny was nearly house trained when I got her at eight weeks and Kathy was trying to recover from a serious injury at the time.
Guess I will have to see if I can change the title of this blog site to "Life with Bunny & Duncan".

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ah, a cool and relatively quiet afternoon. The three buns are napping off a particularly boisterous play session and Bob and I are taking advantage of it to get some mowing done. Well, okay, I am taking a break at the moment; haven't quite figured out how to get the computer to stay put on the mower yet. The three musketeers have had a blast playing in their pool this afternoon, despite the coolness in the air.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Once again, yesterday's posting in lost in cyberspace I guess. By now, Kenny, Christina and Rivet are in their forever homes as are Natty, Elle and Lennon (and Duncan too for that matter). I don't know how Kathy and Wendy have survived 32 hours of driving over the last few days but my 9 hours today have left me exhausted but oh so proud of the buns. Duncan figured out that if he stuck his nose straight up in the air and howled, I would pull the car over and take him out of it to pee and pee he did! I about peed myself laughing at the sight of his wee little nose pointing straight up and hearing that mournful howl. Neither he nor Alice was the least bit concerned about the traffic roaring by not feet from us while they relieved themselves.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Well, Rivet, Kenny, Munroe and Christina are leaving today for their forever homes up north. The five left here don't seem to notice their sibs are gone but then, I believe they know what is happening and accept it for what it is. They each know they are loved and will be loved by special people all their lives. I am looking forward to some one on one time with my own little boy, Duncan. I am also looking forward to NOT cleaning up after puppies over and over and over again! :) I knew it came with the package but I am ready to move on.
Stairs up have become no problem for the gang. The stairs back down however are another story. The short flight of 8 steps off the deck doesn't seem to bother them but the 14 to get back down to the basement is daunting to say the least. My first walker, Carabean (green collar girl) is braver about it then the rest but she'll only get halfway before she begins to lose her nerve.
Duncan, Natty, Lennon, Alice and Carabean are going to work with me today. I have somewhere I have to be at lunch time and won't be able to come home to take care of them. Plus, I believe it is my Thursday to stay late at work so there's no answer other than to bring them with me. I think my coworkers will understand.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The wrestle mania and mad dog races are too funny. They are having so much fun, there's no way a depressed person wouldn't at least chuckle a little and feel a bit brighter. I have given temporary names to the four whose names I don't know yet. The yellow collared girl is Christina Columbus because she likes to explore. The little green collared girl is Carabean (from the movie of the Last of the Mohicans, a take off on the name Long Rifle, in french). And the little pink collared girl is Alice (because she is a bit shy, like the younger sister in the same movie). And last but not least is the white collared male whom I dubbed Munroe (from the same movie and because it just seemed to suit him, he likes it). So now, I try and call each one by a real name instead of their collar color.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sorry for the delay in posting anything today. All is well, just incredibly hectic. I have developed an incredible respect for kindergarten teachers who are attempting to get their classroom full of children ready for a field trip and graduation to first grade! The paperwork involved with all of this seems like reams and reams but I suppose if one did it regularly, it wouldn't seem so confusing and overwhelming. I am excited for all of you getting a puppy within the next four days.

I am so proud of our little buns today. They spent their first morning confined to crates and there was only one little wet accident! Considering the number of bladders (and bowels) we are talking about here, that is no small feat! The afternoon they spent back in the puppy box simply because if they had been crated again, they would have been unbearably full of themselves tonight. We may try that tomorrow, we'll see.

Monday, September 14, 2009

This week will see the buns in crates during their nap times. They will go in three and four to a crate today and then I will decrease them to two in a crate by the end of the week.
They got their nails trimmed again this morning; quite a challenge when four of them threw temper tantrums over the task. They've had it done once every week or so since they were a week old but now they're checking out their limits. The pup I am keeping, Duncan, threw such a tantrum that he peed on me! The other three were not nearly so bad. But, struggle and fuss all they wanted, I won and got the job done and no one had the nail taken off at the elbow. :)
We go to the animal hospital at 11:30 for first vaccinations today. They will also be microchipped. They will probably take an extra long nap this afternoon and I may take advantage of that and take one myself!